Monday, October 27, 2008

Johnson proposes licenses for trap shooting.

In response to a recent candidate questionnaire, Tara Johnson - Padesky replied "Guns for hunting, target practice, trap shooting and other recreational activities should be available for use by qualified, licensed gun owners."

Licensed gun owners? Since when do you need a license to shoot trap in Wisconsin? Is this some sort of NEW tax?

Source: Courier Life News
return to Johnson Watch


Anonymous said...

WOW. This is huge! You guys need to get this message out. I think you've finally done it!!! You've finally found the silver bullet!! Way to go! She said licensed gun owner!?! Holy COW! This is the biggest news yet!!! GREAT JOB!! When you get back to the capital, you should get a HUGE raise!

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

Again, we are NOT a candidate or affiliated with any candidate or political subdivision.

These are her words, taken as written, she does NOT believe we should be able to shoot trap unless licensed. As Wisconsin does not require such a license at this time, this would be a NEW fee/tax.

Anonymous said...

looks like retirement is on it's way Dan. Hopefully you'll have the decency to apologize for this hateful website you're campaign has been operating.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all got a little full of and a little ahead of yourselves.

44% does not a winner make.

Anonymous said...

Recently, a citizen brought a resolution to the county board affirming those rights as protected by Article 1, Section 25 of the Wisconsin State Constitution. Tara Johnson - Padesky refused to even allow the resolution to be put on the agenda.

As they say, "actions speak louder than words." Johnson - Padesky does not support your right to keep and bear arms.