Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Johnson claims higher unemployment is creating jobs

Tara Johnson – Padesky claims to have created many new jobs during her tenure on the County Board. Reality, however, shows that in 2000, La Crosse County had an unemployment rate of 3.2% with 1952 unemployed. By 2007, La Crosse County had an unemployment rate of 3.9% with 2510 unemployed.

Unemployment goes up and Johnson takes credit for creating more jobs, go figure.

Source: Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
return to Johnson Watch


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you posted this. Good info - now we know that it's Dan Kapanke's fault that my taxes have gone up since 2004, that my business's fuel costs have gone up since 2004, and the cost of my health insurance has gone up since 2004.

Anonymous said...

Actually, we know, that Doyle and the Democrats are responsible for the higher unemployment, it happed on their watch and we know that Johnson lies when she claims to have "created jobs."

Anonymous said...

so, when she, as a member of the county board, helps create a business park that encourages job growth, what do we call that?

What do we call it when Kapanke, as a State Senator, does nothing at all, while in the majority or in the minority?

Anonymous said...

See, that's you falling for the "I created jobs line."

I think the point of the post was to show she hasn't actually created ANY jobs, just moved them from one place to another.

Anonymous said...

The last post is just a lie - the new development actually encouraged new jobs. I know your site's not big on facts, but I've found them to be helpful.

Anonymous said...

Fact: Unemployment rate increased from 2000 to 2007.
Fact: There were more people unemployed in 2007 than in 2000.

Consider, company A closes, 500 jobs lost. Company B opens, 400 jobs created. 400 of company A's workers now work for company B. Net affect, 100 jobs lost. So jobs weren’t really created now where they, it is a transfer of employment with actual jobs lost.

Tara Johnson claiming to have "Created Jobs" is the REAL LIE.

Anonymous said...

How isn't that jobs created? This isn't company a cutting 100 jobs. This is a local leader helping to grow the economy while her state counterpart catches a ballgame.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

No, there weren't any NEW jobs created. Jobs were lost on her watch, many more than the small number of "replacement" jobs created. The net affect was job loss, and higher unemployment as the numbers show.

If Johnson had said we have lost many jobs but she helped create REPLACEMENT jobs, that would have been true, but she is claiming NEW jobs, and that is a LIE.

Anonymous said...

So you admit that she her efforts on the county board helped create some jobs.

Anonymous said...

Also, please identify the exact jobs that were lost on her watch. I can identify the hundreds of "replacement" jobs that you already admit exist.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

We again will point you to the Workforce Development web site.

In 2000 we had 1952 people on unemployment. In 2007, we have 2510 people on unemployment. If even one NEW job was created, then the number should have gone down; instead it went up by over 500 Unemployment goes up because there are fewer jobs.

Conclusion: No new jobs, actually FEWER jobs.

Anonymous said...

Your logic is faulty - the jobs that currently exist at the Lakeview Business Center exist, at least in part, because of work done by the county board.

You are taking a specific incident and tying it to a broader situation, the two of which are totally unrelated.

Under your logic, a baseball team that loses 9-8 got shut out. The overall picture isn't as good as we'd like, but how is that the fault of the people who drove in those 8 runs?

Anonymous said...

I can name something she's done to encourage job growth, but you can't name anything she's done to stunt job growth.

You are reaching on this one my friend..

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

Actually, we can. Higher taxes tend to stunt job growth, and Tara Johnson – Padesky has voted YES to increase spending and HIGHER taxes every year that she has been on the county board, and La Crosse County has seen job loss as a result. As the other poster pointed out, a 9-8 loss is exactly that, a LOSS. Trying to convince the public that the LOSS was actually a win, now that is faulty logic.

Anonymous said...

Without her and her fellow board members efforts, the job loss brought on by the Bush economic policy of the last 4 years would have been much worse.

It's like you're attacking her for trying, while her opponent hasn't even done that. He's offered nothing to help create a single job, despite being in the Senate for four years, and in the majority for 2.

I suppose that's Johnson's fault too.

Anonymous said...

What will you have to say when Skipperliner closes & leaves the Town of Campbell and La Crosse Cty holding the bag for their loans.

P.S. - Were these jobs relocated or new ? It doesn't matter, as they will be in the LOST column