Thursday, September 11, 2008

Johnson ashamed to be a Democrat

Tara Johnson - Padesky openly admits it is "necessary to distance herself from her own party leadership."
Source: La Crosse Tribune
return to Johnson Watch


Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are reaching. SHe never said anything like this. Looks like the Kapanke campaign is following the GOP sleazy lies machine, as usual.
When will Kapanke learn that following Bush/McCain is not a good idea?

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

First, as we have stated several times, we are NOT affiliated with the Kapanke campaign, the GOP, or any subdivision thereof. We are not pro Kapanke, rather we do not believe in supporting "sleazy" candidates like Johnson who hide the truth.

Second, here is the link to the Tribune article. We used excerpts directly from the article, no lies here.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

Johnson is getting support from Decker, the Democrats, and the Progressive Majority. She gets this support because she has convinced them she will stand with them. Political parties and PACs do not support candidates that do not share their beliefs. She now wants to "distance" herself because she realizes the people of the 32nd do not prescribe to these extreme views.

We disapprove of Johnson's record, we disapprove of her actions as stated in these posts, and we view all the posts here as issues, as do many people.

Unfounded accusations (like the comments on this thread made about those behind this site) are the types of tactics we disapprove of.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

Any attempt to associate this site with a political party, candidate, or political action committee is pure conjecture and we will no longer allow the use of this blog to launch unsubstantiated attacks on any political entity.

Should one wish to discuss the issues/information presented, we welcome those posts.

We will REPEAT we are not affiliated with any political party, candidate, political action committee, or subdivision thereof.

Anonymous said...

You guys really want us to believe that this site is not affiliated with Dan Kapanke? Then show yourself - who is the author of this site?

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

Who we are is unimportant. What we stand for, exposing radical Tara Johnson - Padesky and her radical affiliations is what this site is dedicated to.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight, Tara Johnson (that's her name by the way) is sleazy because she called Russ Decker out, publically, for fighting the LAX financial aid project? But you guys aren't sleazy for setting up a site that mocks a woman for not taking her husband's name? Hmmm, that's interesting.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

Now we can debate the post, excellent!

First, it was Johnson herself that said she didn't have a "D" after her name until she entered the race. She (Johnson) would have us believe that she wasn't a Democrat in April, became one in May, and in September, she points out she wasn't a Democrat in April. If she wasn't/isn't a Democrat, they why run as a Democrat? If she wasn't/isn't a Democrat, then why does she take money from the Democratic Party? Why accept endorsements from the far left portion of the Democratic Party? Why did the Progressive Majority recruit her (in 2007), because she didn't prescribe to their radical left views? No, Tara Johnson – Padesky is a Democrat, her record and actions show that and for her to now try and change her political skin, so to speak, shows just how much of a chameleon she really is.

Second, both the Democrats and Republicans have decided that this year, spouses matter. If fact, Johnson's supporters have made a point of attacking her opponents wife. We have not attacked Johnson's husband Mr. Padesky, but we do feel it important that the voters know, who he is.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

We have posted facts concerning Johnson's record, position, and supporters. We welcome any discusion of the posts here, BUT we will no longer allow the use of this blog to launch unsubstantiated attacks on any political entity and will remove any comment that attempts to do so.

Anonymous said...

I'm running a test to see how fast this gets deleted:

Dan Kapanke

And the timer starts now...

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

We have removed the previous comment as it was a blatant abuse.
We are independents not affiliated with any political campaign, and will continue to remove ALL posts that insinuate otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Well I have given money to Democrats this year and the local party, but I don't think of myself as a party member. The Republicans are just so bad this year a guy has to do something. And if it is giving some money one way or another, so what? That doesn't make me a Democrat. I haven't been in leadership or gone to conventions or attended inaugurations or any of those perks and voting stuff that makes one a real part person. So your logic is hosed. Also saying that she took money from people is insane. It costs a lot of money these days and she doesn't own any public relations lever like some folks running for office. Take the money Tara and get them on the run. If it were issues and intelligence and initiative that won elections, she'd be a shoe in.

Johnson-Padesky Watch said...

We have never given money to the Republicans or the local party, so we are definitely NOT members of the Republican Party.

We agree, many of those running for office this year are pretty bad, where we differ is that we see Tara Johnson – Padesky and the extreme left as the ones we take issue with.

Unlike you, we do believe that issues, intelligence, and initiative win elections. On the few issues Johnson has actually expressed her position on, it is a position we, and the general public, do not support. As to intelligence, we find Johnson’s lacking, as she has made many poor decisions that we have posted here. We do believe she has the initiative to be a politician, as she doesn't state a clear position on anything, lies about her affiliations, and uses dirty campaign tactics.